Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Google blog editor - now finished

So you have been waiting? I guess not. But I'm happy to announce that, my own Google blogger frontend is now finished. It is created completely without any server-side code, and relies completely on client-side scripts. It is implemented with the Google API, jQuery, wymeditor, soyutils and bootstrap. If you just wanna go, have a look at: http://nwillems.dk/blogging, you can log-in with your Google Account

Actually, why this post is so important to write, is because it is the first one written from the site. Yeah - that's about it.

All I can tell you is that the above mentioned tools, really do rock! So check them out. And if you like, check out the code for blogging at: https://github.com/nwillems/gBlogging-interface

Have a great summer

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