Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mac brugere

Well, så kom jeg endlig til at skrive en update. glemte helt den kalender med studie retning om ørene.

Sad lige og læste en side med tech support historier, og her er det perfekte eksempel på at Mac brugere bare er dumme:
  • Customer: "When my computer boots up, all I get is a black screen that says, 'boot2/'."
  • Tech Support: "What operating system are you using?"
  • Customer: "I'm using Windows 98 and NT 4.0."
  • Tech Support: "Ok, I'm the Mac tech. The Windows tech is gone, but I can try to help you."
  • Customer: "Ok, what should I do? I've reformatted the hard drive and have fresh installs of both operating systems."
  • Tech Support: "Sir, have you put any cheese or mustard in your a drive?"
  • Customer: "What? Did you just ask me if I put cheese or mustard in my floppy drive?"
  • Tech Support: "Yeah, we've had that happen a lot lately."
  • Customer: (staring blankly at roommate, who was laughing uncontrollably on the floor) "I think I'll wait for the PC tech to get back. Thanks for the help." (click)
Well, have fun derude

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